أفضل خمسة مواقع لطباعة الصور
تعد الكاميرات الرقمية رائعة للسماح لنا بالتجربة والتقاط الكثير من الصور والبحث عن اللقطة المثالية. غالبا ما تكون إطارات الصور الرقمية والمطبوعات في المنزل بدائل سيئة للصور الحقيقية. احصل على طباعة رائعة في أحد مواقع طباعة الصور الخمسة هذه.
Once upon a time people took photos and dutifully carted their film down to the photo shop to get developed, waiting to see how the photos turned out. Now people immediately check whether or not the shot was good on the display of their digital camera, and more often than not stuff the photos onto their hard drives or upload them to their Flickr accounts, but never get around to actually printing them and preserving them in a physical form. If you’ve been meaning to get around to printing more photos and saving them from their fate of digital obscurity, the following five Lifehacker reader-selected sites can help you.
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